Crab Carts

Crab Carts - Cinema - Technical Products
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Whether you are an assistant, electrician, movie technician, cameraman, photographer, assistant director, set manager, make-up or hair technician, there is a CRAB cart for your needs and requirements. They adapt to the constraints of the different sets, from the most extreme outdoor film sets to the cosiest studios. CRAB camera carts are endorsed by our proven track record. Numerous technicians were consulted to produce a uniform, sound, multipurpose product that perfectly adapts to individual needs. Affordable and robust, a CRAB camera cart is a reliable partner that needs little maintenance and offers an exceptionally long useful life. Lifelong guarantee.

Fast delivery

offered from 150€ HT of purchase

Competitive prices

all year round

Secure payment

free of charge

(33) 1 49 17 60 89

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